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  • Do you require a deposit?
    A twenty-five ($25) dollar DEPOSIT is REQUIRED when booking each service. ALL DEPOSITSARE NON-REFUNDABLE/NON-NEGOTIABLE and will be credited towards your balance. If you need to reschedule your appointment, your deposit will be applied towards your nextservice IF canceled up to 24 HOURS in advance.Same day cancelations are completely NULL and VOID. Upon booking, you will receive a confirmation text message and a request for your deposit. Ifyour deposit is not received within 24 HOURS after booking desired service, your appointmentwill be CANCELED. Please have your remaining balance for your appointment upon arrival.
  • What forms of payment do you accept?
    Only Cash, Square, CashApp, Venmo are accepted at this time.
  • Should my face be clean prior to arrival?
    Please come with clean face and eyebrows groomed. If makeup has to be removed before being serviced, an additional cost of fifteen ($15) dollars will be added to your service.
  • What is your late arrival policy?
    LATE FEE of $10 will be added to your balance if you are more than ten (10) minutes late. All same-day appointments are an additional fifteen ($15) dollars. If you are more than twenty (20) minutes late, your appointment will be CANCELED.
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